Barry <3

My friends

I'm not quite sure were to begin or were to start

All I really know is that this poem's from my heart.

This may sound confusing- it is for me too

But I'm ready to begin this poem for you

A tortuous winding path - life is a confusing place to be

I want to get away from this stress and find the real me

Why can't I be happier? Today's a new day...

Yet I have thoughts and memories that don't go away

I think of my life, and that my problems aren't so bad

But for some unknown reason I still feel kind of sad

It's tough being a teenager, sometimes it's just a scare

I wish I had some answers, life isn't always fair,

Sometimes I'm just really lost and don't know what to do

I wonder where to go and who I can talk to

No one really knows which thoughts I choose to share

But even if I had told them, they probably wouldn't care

Sometimes I want to say "Thanks for all that you've done"

But the words fly through my head as quickly as they come

I don't know how to talk to you, to tell you how I feel

Now and then it's so complex, life seems so surreal

You may not see when I stumble, trip and fall

When the tears are in my eyes and there's no one to call

You may not hear me when I cry in bed at night

Hoping my worries will somehow be put right

You may not always love me when we just don't get along

I may screw up when I just won't admit that I was wrong.

I'm sharing with you because I know that you really care

The friends you are to me is special, precious and rare

Sometimes I might act joyful to camouflage my fears

But deep down inside, I want to burst right out to tears

All I need sometimes when my heart just wants to break

Is your smile and a hug, that's what I can't fake

I need you my friend to take my hand and try

To help me mend my broken heart and be there when I cry

I want you to be with me and to walk with me on this road

To step along beside me and help me with this heavy load

I want you to feel free - I hope I don't ask too much

Just be there when I need you, and offer me your touch

Some people are ashamed to cry, but I'm not afraid

For crying is the way that I let out my pain

A friend walks in when others walks out

You knocked on the door when I was full of doubt

You where an angel you've helped me do what's right

When I had no eyes - you saved me - you were my sight

You all helped me trough, without you, where would I be?

A blessing and a treasure is what you all are to me

You are great persons with great advice to lend

I just want you all to know that you are wonderful friends

Have I changed you? You've changed me a great deal

You've let me be who I am and tell you how I feel

The best thing ever was finding friend just like you all

Who listens and talks to me, you make each day seem new

I hoped you liked this poem... like I said from the start

This poem was written for you from deep down inside my heart.

Written by: Cecilia Barry

Denna dikt har Cecilia Barry skrivit ( till Devils) , Barry är den mest underbara person som finns , ord kan inte förklara hur extremt tacksam jag är som har fått Barry som min vän . Jag tänker inte låta någonting någonsin  ta henne ifrån mig !
Cecila Barry Jag Älskar Dig


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